Our latest episode is about Science and the joys of learning Physics.
Unplug Tech welcomes Vijay Chawan the IIT aspirant talk about his love for Physics with us on the show while sharing how Science shapes the present and future of our world.
Vijay is currently studying as a masters student at Physics and Astronomy Department of National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India. Join us on this fantastic interview, and if you are able to please try donating for his further studies.
The episode explores the world of Science and Physics with Vijay enthusiastically drawing a vivid picture of the fascinating world of astronomy space, and even movies. We spoke about Albert Einstein, the gravitational force and found some mesmerizing facts that will inspire the young students to pick up the subject and discover more.
Listen to the IIT Aspirant Interview
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In his own words, Vijay shares;
“Ask question to yourself, why does the Sun shine? And that too in vacuum? Why do all planets revolve around the Sun and not around Earth? Why do not clouds fall? How tall a mountain can be? Is there life on any other place in the cosmos other than on Earth? Bring these questions to Physics.”
He believes asking questions will is sure shot way to fall in love with the subject. His love for physics can be seen in each frame. The episode is a must watch for all students out there still in two minds over whether to opt for Science stream or not and he gives you an important overview. It is not hard if you can stay persistent he believes.
His positive outlook and his thirst for knowledge is not only admirable but also inspiring. A bright kid with a bright future Vijay requires your help to continue his studies. Due to financial constraints it becomes difficult to study further and poses many hurdles which can be solved with a little help by people like us.
Unplug Tech is happy to provide our platform for Vijay and urge you to consider donating to the cause of his education. Every amount counts. At this point it becomes even more important that we nurture our children’s curiosity and aid their dreams of making a mark in the world.
About Vijay Chawan

Vijay Chawan as an undergrad, studied Physics, Mathematics, and Astronomy from Wilson College(Mumbai University). Currently, he is a masters student at Physics and Astronomy Department of National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India.
Early this year, he joined Earth Samvarta Foundation, an award winning NGO, located at Ayodhya as an Executive Management Intern, right when the lockdown was announced to learn and support eSF team.
He was a part of Animal Feeding campaign, in which he was assigned to make the reports of this campaign. He also contributed in their COVID-19v Migrants campaign and fundraising works.
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@vijay-chawan |
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